One of the perks of being a visual recorder is listening to the many inspiring stories that keynote speakers tell; from how they started their own thriving business to conquering a life-long goal- there's always so much to draw from and for that I'm grateful.
I recently had the pleasure of visually bringing to life Bonita Norris's story, the youngest British person to have climbed Everest. Conquering the summit at just 22 years of age, it was fascinating to hear how Bonita had prepared herself mentally, physically and spiritually to climb to the top and live to tell the tale.
She also talked of the amazing mountain Sherpa- the courageous guides that assist the teams to prepare the route, fix ropes and ladders across gaps in the ice, etc. One guide also kept Bonita in the present moment, helping her to appreciate the task ahead and the beautiful nature that surrounded them. It was wonderful to see a photograph of the night sky on Everest too and the vast array of stars that filled the darkness like a Jackson Pollock painting.
What resonated most was how Bonita drew focus during the tough times; to not fret about what was out of her control and to trust in the process. She seemed cool, calm and collected, and I'm sure facing such a challenge allowed for her to face other life challenges with greater ease.
Her story also got me thinking about how many things (or people) we unknowingly try to change in our lives, to avoid facing our own mountain climbs. As it says in the above visual, when things get tough, take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Be curious, be present and be a guide for someone else, like the Sherpa.
The visual image above is part of a larger visual map from Central Regions School Trust 10 year Anniversary Conference